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If you have a missed period, that is a sure sign, but you never know and you might have to wait for a belly to grow or other symptoms. It is best to find out right away because the baby will need prenatal care.

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Q: How soon do you know if your pregnant without taking a test?
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Then you are pregnant. Birth control pills will not have major side effects on the fetus, but it is best to stop taking them as soon as you know you are pregnant.

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You will be able to know after 2 weeks.

How soon do you know if your pregnant?

Soon as you feel your body changing

Will a baby be born with a birth defect if you are taking a diet pill and do not know if you are pregnant?

I know of no birth defects associated with diet pill use, but know two things: 1) As soon as you discover you are pregnant, you should stop taking all over-the-counter medicines until you first talk with your doctor and get his okay. 2) No one who is pregnant should be taking diet pills, so don't continue.

How soon do you have to stop taking it before a test to show up negative?

It very much depends on what it is that you are taking. It is difficult to avoid the interpretation that you really want to keep taking it without getting caught, whatever it is. If you are pregnant, that is unfortunate.

If your eleven weeks pregnant when would you have had to stop your birth control pills?

As soon as you know that you are pregnant then you need to stop the pills asap. still taking the pills could cause adverse effects on the fetus.

You are pregnant When should you see your doctor?

as soon as you know

How soon can you tell you are pregnant without a pregnancy test?

As soon as you start getting your nausea feeling in the mornings.

When should you start prenatal care?

As soon as you know your pregnant.

How soon can a woman know she is pregnant before the pregnancy test?

you cant.

How soon can a woman know she is pregnant?

=about 2weeks after it happens kay o.=