Soon as you feel your body changing
A mother cat can get pregnant as soon as a few days after giving birth. It is possible for a cat to go into heat and conceive again shortly after delivering a litter.
as soon as you know
As soon as you know your pregnant.
She's an only child but her mother is pregnant, so she'll get a sibling soon.
you cant.
=about 2weeks after it happens kay o.=
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant - 2008 Mother-In-Law's Bedroom was released on: USA: 15 June 2011
You cannot "absorb" someone.
Then you are pregnant. Birth control pills will not have major side effects on the fetus, but it is best to stop taking them as soon as you know you are pregnant.
You won't know you are pregnant much before a month. As soon as you know you are pregnant you can have an abortion.
I need to know this question soon. Thaznk you so much