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Wait a few months after going off the pill to see if your periods are still regular. If you don't have a period for 2-3 months and aren't pregnant, see your OB or reproductive endocrinologist to be tested for PCOS. Often times the pill can mask the symptoms of PCOS and you won't know you have it until after you go off the pill.

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Q: How soon can you test for PCOS after going off the pill?
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With pcos can you get a false negitve read with a pregnancy test?

i had a pireord on the 17th of march but i have not had a pireord yet am i pregnant i have pcos how long shard i whight to do a pregnancy test

How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you are still taking the pill?

you can take one at any time you think you are pregnant.

Does the mini pill cause false negative pregnancy result?

No. Taking the test too soon causes false negative.

You feel pregnant but the tests say no and you have PCOS?

Well it is possible for you to be pregnant and have PCOS, and there is also a posiblity of a false negative. If you think that you are pregnant, you should get a blood test to be absolutely certain.

How long does it take to get your period after going off the pill for a week?

That differs for everyone and depends on where you were in the pill cycle when you stopped for a week. If you don't get a period within four weeks, have a pregnancy test.

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If you stopped taking your birth control pills half way through the month, you can take a pregnancy test as soon as one, two, or three days after your period should have started. If you do not know when you should have started, wait a week and take the test.

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Hello. A pregnancy test will be accurate while your on the pill.

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well get a detox pill it will settle your problems but i must warn you it does burn a little wen you take it but whats better losing you job or going to jail or you can burn for about a hour lol i chose the pill

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Pcos would make it very hard for you to get pregnant but NOT IMPOSSIBLE. If you had negative urine and blood tests it could be you are testing too early. Wait a week or two and tes yourself again. Again would be unlikely but not impossible.

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Yes. I have used the 1x Vale Detox Pill a number of times for a standard test strip urine drug test.