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If you stopped taking your Birth Control pills half way through the month, you can take a pregnancy test as soon as one, two, or three days after your period should have started. If you do not know when you should have started, wait a week and take the test.

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Q: If you stop using the pill halfway through your cycle how soon will a pregnancy test be effective?
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Early menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.

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A menstrual period is when there is a loss several tablespoons of blood and mucus from the vagina; when a menstrual cycle is the series of changes a woman's body goes through for pregnancy.

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If the egg is fertilized and results in pregnancy then the menstrual cycle stops. The menstrual cycle exists to allow pregnancy to occur, so when pregnant no need for it to continue.

When will a period start after a cycle of Clomid if pregnancy did not occur?

Periods and Clomidi used clomid and if pregnancy hasn't occured u will have a period after the cycle of clomid

HOW MUCH cycle norm e and cycle norm p should be taken and for how long?

Depends on why you are taking it. Cyclenorm E&P is a birth control pill. They are used for preventing pregnancy and also for regulating periods in case of hormonal imbalances or poly cystic ovaries. They can not be used for abortion and will have no effect on a pregnancy. If they are taken continuously through out a pregnancy there can be fetal damage though.

What is the purpose of menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle is about 28 days that prepares the body for pregnancy.

Why is the menstrual cycle and pregnancy important?

The menstrual cycle and pregnancy are important as otherwise we'd not exist. The whole purpose of menstruation and pregnancy is to continue the human race.