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That differs for everyone and depends on where you were in the pill cycle when you stopped for a week. If you don't get a period within four weeks, have a pregnancy test.

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Q: How long does it take to get your period after going off the pill for a week?
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How long does it take for your period to return after missing a pill?

Your period should not be delayed from missing a single pill.

How long does it take to menstruate after being off the pill?

Going off the Pill shouldn't affect your menstrual cycle.

How long does it take to get a period after coming off Birth control?

I was on the pill for 10 years. When I stopped taking the pill it took my body 6 months to have a period. Everyone is different!

How long does it take for the mini pill to stop your period?

I am not sure but i think about 2-4 hours

What is a sugar pill and what does it do?

A sugar pill is what women take to start their period. It allows the period to start.

How long does it take to come off your period after coming off the pill?

The length of the first period after the pill is unpredictable. While you're on the pill, the hormones decrease the amount of menstrual flow. You can expect longer and heavier periods, returning to your previous pattern, after you stop the pill.

How can you stop your period for that 1 month because your going trekking in India for one month?

You can take the pill which you take everyday leading up to your period but on the week of your period you don't take it. This can sometimes be dangerous for young girls though.

If you are going on vacation is there a pill you can take that will stop your period?

Yes, there are various pills that are available. You should speak to your pharmacist, or preferably, your doctor, and they will recomend something for you to delay it. However, if you are on the Pill,by skipping the placebo pills and going straight to the next pack, you will avoid your period for that cycle.

I am going on holiday and due to be on my period can i take my pill to stop the bleed from coming?

yes you can just continue on to your next packet of your pills and have your period next month.

If on birth control pills how can you delay your period for a week?

You can delay your period by continuing to take your pills. You shouldn't get your period when on the pill, hence the placebo week where you do. I've skipped my period before because I was going on vacation, if you're on the mono kind of pill it's really easy to do this.

If you are not on the pill but going away and do not want to come on your period. Will your period be delayed if you start to take the pill before you are due on?

No, starting the Pill will not immediately cause a delay in your period and starting the Pill late in your cycle can cause breakthrough bleeding that can last for days or weeks. The pill will start delaying periods after taken for a full cycle, depending on the hormones and your reaction sometimes it takes a couple cycles.

What happens if you take alternate birth control pill in place of taking Yaz because you do not have the prescription filled yet?

You'll have no interruption in protection as long as the pill you took was an active pill, not the sugar/placebo/period pill.