About 9 days after conception if you know when you concieved. Otherwise about 6 days before your anticipated period. Levels of HCG will be present and a blood test will be able to tell you if you're pregnant or not.
you cant.
You can know the pregnancy status before the due date of periods. It is expensive. There is no advantage to know it before ten days of missed periods.
You won't know you are pregnant much before a month. As soon as you know you are pregnant you can have an abortion.
as soon as you think you are pregnant.
You will be able to know after 2 weeks.
Soon as you feel your body changing
as soon as you know
If you spit up blood you need medical treatment as soon as possible.
As soon as you know your pregnant.
Generally fourteen days after intercourse.
A blood test can give results 7-12 days from conception.
=about 2weeks after it happens kay o.=