Hey, you can try pulling back on the trigger while removing the bolt to the rear. Do the same to reinstall the bolt back in the barrel assy.
I have a 514 and that's how it is done.
Hope this helps . . .
i have a22 cal bolt 510 target master to contact me tolley6913@hotmail.com
Try checking with the list of suppliers on the Remington Society of America Service/Parts page here: http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/service
The Remington model 700 bolt handle is part of the bolt body and this is a one piece forging.The only way to remove the bolt handle is to cut it off at the bolt body.
Would like to know the value of a Remington 510 SB. The gun is in 98% condition Thank you John
The Remington model 510 Target Master was made from 1939-1962.
current value of a 1941 Remington 510 22cal rifle
Push the safety lever fully forward to dis-engage the bolt stop. Then the bolt can be removed rearward.
Actuate the bolt to the rear and there is a tang in front of the trigger that hangs down..Press up on this tang and pull the bolt back and it will remove it from the action.
You first need to remove the fore arm and then the barrel needs to be removed from the receiver. The bolt will then come out the front of the receiver.
You can find Remington Date of Manufacture codes at www.rimfirecentral.com in Remington Forum