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It really depends on the person and how focused and dedicated to the program they are. Generally people who tried the nutri system weight loss program lost between 8-10lbs a month.

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Q: How much weight does the average person loose with nutri systems?
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to loose weight a person has to use more calories than they consume. an average person uses about 2000 calories a day, so a person would have to eat less than that.

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It is when someone wants to loose weight

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Using lazatives is not a good way to loose body weight. In fact the average person cannot do this or they will have some extreme issues such as intenstine infections.

You are 17 and you weigh 172 and your height is 5 5 how much weight should you loose to be average?

To be average weight you should loose up to ten or more pounds right now your bmi (body mass index) is 28.62. You want to get that to under 25.99. After you loose some weight you can go to and follow the instructions. In bold print it will say if you are underweight, average, overweight, or obese. If you are overweight or obese it will tell you how much weight to loose. If you are underweight it will tell you what you need to do to get back to a normal weight. Hope I helped! :)

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If you burn or reduce your calorie intake by 600 cals a day how much weight will you loose in a week?

to answer your question, it depends from person to person but on average every 3500 calorie deficit you will lose a kg of weight. So 600 x 7 = 4200 calories, this means you will burn around 1.2kgs per week to answer your question.

How can a bigger girl lose weight fast?

Exercise and eating healthy just like anyone else. Just because you are bigger does not mean it takes longer for you to loose wait. It depends on the person and how hard or easy it is for them to loose weight.

What types of laxatives are used to lose weight?

Yes it could loose weight for some people. it varries person to person. you should talk to your doctor and ask if this is right for you. he will give you the proper dose of this medication.

Where can I read weight loss tips?

I go to where they list 100 ways to loose weight and keep it off.The person who manages this site has tried loosing weight and has posted what led to their accomplishment.

How much weight does a anorexic person loose after 2 weeks if they start out fat?

well, it depends.if you have trouble loosing weight, and are very over weight, being anorexic wont help. diet and excercise will work the best. maybe you would loose a pound, but most of the time you will just gain even Moore weight.

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If you have colon cancer do you start to loose a lot of weight?

Why does a person with cholera lose so much body fluid?

You have severe vomiting and loose motion in cholera. Patient can loose up to ten to twenty litres of fluid on day one. When you loose 10 % of body weight in loose motion, that is called as severe dehydration.