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To be average weight you should loose up to ten or more pounds right now your bmi (body mass index) is 28.62. You want to get that to under 25.99. After you loose some weight you can go to and follow the instructions. In bold print it will say if you are underweight, average, overweight, or obese. If you are overweight or obese it will tell you how much weight to loose. If you are underweight it will tell you what you need to do to get back to a normal weight. Hope I helped! :)

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Q: You are 17 and you weigh 172 and your height is 5 5 how much weight should you loose to be average?
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I'm a fifth grader my self, and i weigh about 90. But I'm 4'11. I'd say the average is 80-100, if your the right height, so I'm in the middle. If your under, gain weight. If your over, lose weight. (no offense)I think you should be at least 100 pounds for a fifth grader but when i was in fifth grade I was 150 pounds so loose weight if you are over 100 pounds because that is what I need and Know I am skinnier and I can do more stuff!Well a 5' 1" fith drader is suposed to weigh 111 pounds.Weight is relative. It depends on the person. You have to take in a lot when it comes to weight, like age, height, and frame. So you can't exactly say what a fifth grader is suppose to weigh, it's not that simple.

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