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This is extremely dangerous. Please strive to eat at least 1000 calories a day. You will lose weight that way with proper exercise and plenty of water.

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Q: How much weight can I loose eating 100 calories a day?
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How much weight are you losing if you burn 14000 calories a week?

If you are eating 1500 calories a day you will lose 1 lb. if you are eating 1200 calories you will lose 1.6 lbs.

Why did 50 cent loose so much weight?

by eating in small portions

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You can loose lots of weight.

How much weight can you lose in a week eating 1500 calories a day?

It all depends on how much exercise you are putting in and how many calories you are burning.

How much weight do you lose from general everyday activity?

well its depends what type of activity u are doing! if u r wasing lot of dishes u will loose 50 calories or cleaning home will loose u 100 calories and the best way to loose weight is to do skipping 15 minutes and u loose 150-200 calories!

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Coffee doesnt not burn calories nor make you loose calories it just adds onto your weight if you drink to much at one time

If you walk 9 miles a week how much weight will you lose?

You could walk five miles a day and gain weight. Losing weight depends on eating less calories than you expend. Walk or run if you can run without injury and eat less, means you will loose weight.

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How much weight can you lose in 20 days eating 1000 calories a day?

About 40 pounds but i wouldnt recommend eating 1000 calories it damages your organs in leads into death.

Does watching too much tv affect your weight?

Well, sort of. Watching TV is a very passive occupation(you don't move around a lot), and if you don't move you don't burn many calories. And if you only burn a few calories it gets easier and easier to eat more calories than you loose over a day. And if you're eating more calories than you burn the excess calories will stay with you as weight gain.

Why is it important to follow a wight loss meal plan when losing weight?

How many calories you consume per day is very important when you are trying to loose weight. If you follow a weight loss meal plan it will help you keep track of how many calories a day you are consuming and make it much easier and faster to loose weight.

How much weight can you lose in a week by just eating soup?

You can loose some pounds, but after that week. What would you do then?