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90 grams of protein. Most people don't eat near the amount they should

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Q: How much protein should a middle age woman eat?
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How much protein should a 45-year-old woman consume daily to maintain optimal health and well-being?

A 45-year-old woman should aim to consume around 46 grams of protein per day to maintain optimal health and well-being.

How many grams of protein should a 38 year old 190lb woman take?

As much as you can, most men like em big.

How much protein should a marathon runner have?

too much

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How much protein should human have if you are 105lbs?


How much should a woman weigh if you are 5 feet 8 inches tall?

If you are smaller then you should weigh between 126-139. If you are in the middle then you should weigh between 136-150. And if your larger then you should weigh between 146-167!

How much protein do you need if you are working out daily?

For a woman, she should get about 1.2 grams of protein per pound a day, whereas a man should get about 1.3-1.4 grams in the same manner for either gender to build or tone muscles. The average person needs about 0.8 grams per pound a day (sedentary) or 1 gram per pound a day (active); the same basic amount of protein would suffice as the minimum amount of protein a man or woman needs to get muscle is 1 gram per pound.

How much should a woman weigh who is 5 feet 3 inches tall?

How much should woman that 24 weigh?

Who needs more protein?

The amount of protein someone should have depends on their weight, and also whether or not they're trying to lose weight. A 150 pound person should have 68 grams of protein. There are calculators and equations online that tell you how much your protein intake should be.

How much protein should human have every day?

65 grams

How much protein should teenage boys get?

The same amount as a cow.

How much protein should a child have in a day?

you should drink milk 3 times a day