Whoever answered this question with $48 is underquoting the value. I own one that was given to me. In it's condition (which would probably be considered 50%) was valued at $150.
how much is Remington model 700 worth how much is a Remington model 760 worth
What_is_a_Remington_model_74_sportsman_worth"In good shape the gun can fetch approx $400. The main reason being that the parts are discontinued and this is not much of a collectors item.
I can find no reference to a Model 1194 Remington.
about $500
No such model made.
There is no Remington Model 6 pistol, there has been however cases however of Remington Model 6 rifles converted to pistols by gun or "home" smiths. NOT Remington. As such the value is whatever someone will pay, but generally not much.
75-150 based on condition
500 to 800 depending on condition
About $400 for one in very good condition.