IF they have it in stock the non-camo w/o scope in 26" was only $414.00
how much is Remington model 700 worth how much is a Remington model 760 worth
300-700 USD
A Remington Model 700 chambered for the 7mm 08 cartridge would be a short action as the cartridge is based on the .308 Win.
The caliber designation of 7mm-08 is considered a short action.
100-500 USD or so
How much is a savage 7mm
should be 1-9.25" mine is
It is worth between $300- $450.
At least 400 usd
Depending on exact model and condition, used Weatherby Vanguard 7mm magnums are currently selling at between $350-$550.
Remington Model 700 bolt action rifles in 7mm Rem. mag. have a 1 in 9 right hand twist (one full turn in nine inches of barrel). This will accomodate bullet weight/length up to 175 grains.
This will depend on the market. Remington is a good brand of gun so you may be able to get a good price for it.