Depending on exact model and condition, used Weatherby Vanguard 7mm magnums are currently selling at between $350-$550.
Prices range from $150 to $750 depending on model and condition.
100-500 USD or so
100-500 or so
100-500 or so
100-400 or so
about $80
50-550 usd
Depends on model.
There is no way of knowing without a much more detailed description of your Winchester model 70.Is it a pre-64 model or post 64 model.How much custom work has been done to your rifle?All this has a bearing on the value.Please repost your question with this info for a accurate value.
Your description tells me that you have a custom rifle chambered in .300 Weatherby Magnum which was built on a 1903 Springfield action.The weatherby Cartridges did not come into being until the 1940,s and were only available in the Weatherby rifles of that time,It would be har to define a value for you because it is unknown how much work went into this rifle and the components used.If you can locate the gunsmith that made this rifle,i am sure he could tell you the amount spent to create it.
How much is the price of one cardfight vanguard booster box
It depends what model if you buy new model (2010) it will be 750,000