Normally, they range from about $20 - $35, depending on the quality/type of jewlery etc. of where you got it done.
Two upper lip piercings (angel bites) and two lower lip piercings (snake bites) put together.
Anything between £12 and £30 .. depends where you go :)
You have too much time on your hands, in this day and age piercings in the public do not indicate anything other than a personal style or taste. Read a book, go fishing, buy a kite, but quit reading something into body piercing that is not there.
It means to adorn your lip with body jewelry. Namely lip piercings.
Monroe piercings can be numbed using a freeze spray on the outside of the lip and an oral numbing spray on the inside of the lip.
No he don't
It's the combination of the Angel bites (double upper lip) piercings and Snake bites (double lower lip) piercings.
two upper lip piercings. (one on each side of the lip.)
no, but it might make it hurts if the coldsore is near the lip piercing.
Labret can be used to describe any lip piercing but it's most commonly used to reer to center lower lip piercings. Labret post jewelry can be worn in any lip piercing and even ear piercings.
Inked Magazine reports that the she has 7 piercings: "two in her lip, one nose, one eyebrow, her tongue, below her lip, and one nipple." She often wears beads under her eyes, but they are not real piercings.