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You should never plan on losing weight quickly because the body needs time to get used to changes. Also, if you lose the weight quickly, you are more prone to gain the weight back much faster than if you lost the weight slowly.

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10y ago

To lose 2 pounds in one week you need to create a calorie deficit of 7,000 calories. Assuming that you stick to a 1,500 calorie diet, you need to exercise to create the equivalent of a 1,000 calorie burn per day beyond your normal activity. This requires at least two hours of heavy aerobic activity.

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11y ago

You should eat right that's the first thing eggs for breakfast and lots of protien and I you want to lose 7 pounds overnight do 100 curnchers 100 leaf lifts and 40 count planks then hang over the toilet an barf drink lots I water before so it's easier!

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Losing 2 Pounds

According to the Center for Disease Control, there are approximately 3,500 calories in one pound. Therefore, in order to lose 2 pounds in 1 day, you must reduce your caloric intake by 7,000 calories.

Two pounds are equivalent to about 7000 calories. To lose two pounds a day means that you have to lose 7000 calories in one day (14). On average we humans need about 2000 to 3000 calories a day (3000 calories is even on the higher side). Being very realistic, it is impossible to lose that many calories in a given day. If you are interested to know the amazing secret tips which helps me lose weight fast then click on the link in my bio

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Q: How much exercise do have to do to lose 2 pounds in one week?
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It depends on your weight, age, and how much exercise you do.

How much aerobic exercise to lose weight?

How much weight are we talking about? It's not safe or practical to lose more than a few pounds a week - or a month for that matter.

How much can one except to lose per week?

How much one can expect to lose per week will vary depending on the amount of exercise and the type of diet. On average, a person could lose one to two pounds per week without damaging his or her body.

How do you lose 40 lbs in 1 week?

Sell your border collie. Losing 3 pounds a week, with exercise, is the most that you can safely lose in a week.

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They can exercise every day.

A person trying to lose weight should?

lose one to two pounds a week Exercise and diet

How can you lose 6 pounds a week?

Eat only natural and local foods and get lots of exercise.

How do you lose 250 pounds in one week?

Unless you get gastric bypass you can't lose that much in one week. Even if you starve yourself.

How 2 lose 4 pounds in a week?

If you really want to lose you probably would want to diet and exercise like crazy

How much weight could you lose maximum in a week?

1 - 2 pounds a week to lose weight is highly recommended. You can lose 8 - 10 pounds a month in a healthy way. Make sure you don't over exercise like you want to lose weight 20 pounds a month because its not a healthy way of losing weight.

How can you lose 7 pounds in 1 week?

u have 2 exercise a lot and eat healthy foods

How long does it take to lose 30 pounds?

Each person varies with how long it will take to lose 30 pounds. On average, a person can lose around 2 pounds per week. It would take 3.75 weeks to lose 30 pounds with diet and exercise.