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That would have been up to the individual slave and his (or her) desire for a clean cabin.

Im not sure the answer but the above answer is incorrect.

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Q: How many times cabin of slaves usually cleaned?
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How many times a year did a slave cabin get cleaned?

Slaves were usually responsible for keeping their own living quarters clean. So it differed, but in most cases the answer would be 'fairly regularly'.

How many times a year were the cabins of the slaves cleaned?


How many times a year were the cabins of slaves usually cleaned?

Slaves were responsible to the cleaning and general upkeep of the cabins where they lived. Slaves therefore would only clean their cabins when they were not working, perhaps in the evenings or on Sundays.

What is the integral of d times cabin over cabin?

log cabin + C = houseboat

What color cotton did slaves grow?

cotton was usually white or pink back in those times

Were cities built in Egypt built by slavery?

From the time of the new kingdom (1550-330BC) temples, monuments and cities were more likely to be built by slaves than in earlier times. The slaves were usually prisoners of war. Most of these slaves if not all were naked.

2003 Ford Windstar It has a terrible odor I have had it detailed and cleaned several times It hasn't helped Any suggestions?

Could the odor be coming from the air vents?If so, changing the cabin filter might be helpful.See "Related Questions" below for more

How often do draperies need to be cleaned?

Draperies should generally be cleaned one or two times a year.

How do you say slave in Egyptian?

Egytian slaves were almost women. And the owner of the Egytian slave was really strict to them. They didn't usually give them food and their money. So the slaves have hard times if they are slaves. Also some slaves even get beatened up by their owner if they don't work properly. * I wish this can answer your question ^^

What did educated slaves do in ancient roman times?

Educated slaves usually worked as scribes for their master. They would listen to what their master said and transcribed it into words. If they were trusted enough they could also serve as accounts, or cooks.

What was the time and place for the story Diary of a wimpy kid cabin fever?

Date: november saturday place: cabin

Where were the slaves purchased at in roman times?

they were