it takes about 10,000 for it to hatch and i atown in soul sliver because it took shortcuts
It takes 2719 steps to hatch the egg. It contains a togepi
You need to take 2805 - 3059 steps to hatch Togepi. The number of steps needed can be halved by having a Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor in your party along with the egg.
There isn't a way to always know the exact number, but it can be 2805 steps at minimum.
Steps to Hatch: 4096
It takes 350 steps to hatch
in my experience it takes about 5,355 steps to hatch a sneasel.
in my experience it takes about 5,355 steps to hatch a sneasel.
It takes 5,120 steps to hatch Gligar in a Egg.
I don't think you can. You have to get the egg, then hatch it(which will take a while).
I don't think you can. You have to get the egg, then hatch it(which will take a while).
it takes about 10,240 steps to hatch a beldum egg
i think 10000 steps it need to hatch