I don't think you can. You have to get the egg, then hatch it(which will take a while).
You can catch a wild Togepi on the island off of the Figt Area. No one will give you a togepi egg in the game.
To catch a Togepi in Pokemon Emerald, you have to talk to the man in the Pokemon center in Lilycove. After this wait 24 hours and talk to your mom and she'll give you one.
yes there is, use the pokerader on route 230
In eterna city Cynthia should've gave u an egg. It hatches into a togepi.i agree but here is more info if ya need it. After defeating Jupiter in Eterna City, Cynthia will give you an Egg that contains a Togepi.if you would like to catch a wild togepi and not hatch an egg then listen closely.after you defeat the Pokemon league you can check your Pokedex and it will tell you where you can catch it:west of the resort area you use surf until you see a big patch of tall grass, you can use the pokeradar to find a togepi there.
Togepi is not a legendary Pokemon.
You cant catch Togepi. But if you want togepi, do this:When you have defeated Falkner, the gym leader in Violet City,go to New Bark Town and go to see Professor Elm. He will give you an egg. The egg contains Togepi. Walk around lots until the egg hatches. Then you will have Togepi!! :) :) :) aydelie 101
You can catch a wild Togepi on the island off of the Figt Area. No one will give you a togepi egg in the game.
You can catch it in saffron city. i hope it helps
One cant catch a Togepi from the wile, you are given an Egg from one of Professor Oaks aids, and once you have walked 5000 steps a Togepi will hatch from the egg. You can also breed the Togepi with a Ditto to get more Togepi eggs.
you can`t catch him you can get it from professer elm after you get your first badge but first you have to give it to him from proffeser oak
To catch a Togepi in Pokemon Emerald, you have to talk to the man in the Pokemon center in Lilycove. After this wait 24 hours and talk to your mom and she'll give you one.
You can only catch it in White Forest. If you have black version, I cant tell you that.
I don't think you can. You have to get the egg, then hatch it(which will take a while).
The man on the island in the east part on the water labyrinth will give you an egg that hatches into a togepi. Or you can snag togetic in Pokemon Colosseum and breed it on 4 island and hatch a togepi.
you cant catch a togepi but in the outskirt stand a man who resued one will give you a shadow one for free and once you purify it if you give it back to him he will trade you a elekid with special moves
use the poke-rader on route 230
you can't there are no wild togepi. you have to trade somehow. sorry. the only egg that you can get in normal gameplay is wynaut. you can't there are no wild togepi. you have to trade somehow. sorry. the only egg that you can get in normal gameplay is wynaut.