yes 105 more steps
Steps to Hatch: 4096
It takes 350 steps to hatch
No to receive more beldums breed a metang or metagross with ditto. This is wrong. You can make Beldum eggs with any evolved form of Metagross. Don't forget to have a Pokemon that knows either Magma Armor or Flame Body to reduce the number of steps you take in half :D (Since Beldum takes a lot of steps to hatch).
in my experience it takes about 5,355 steps to hatch a sneasel.
yes 105 more steps
Steps to Hatch: 4096
It takes 350 steps to hatch
No to receive more beldums breed a metang or metagross with ditto. This is wrong. You can make Beldum eggs with any evolved form of Metagross. Don't forget to have a Pokemon that knows either Magma Armor or Flame Body to reduce the number of steps you take in half :D (Since Beldum takes a lot of steps to hatch).
in my experience it takes about 5,355 steps to hatch a sneasel.
in my experience it takes about 5,355 steps to hatch a sneasel.
It takes 5,120 steps to hatch Gligar in a Egg.
i think 10000 steps it need to hatch
2805 steps
4080 steps =)
6400 steps. :)
4080 steps.