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Home pregnancy tests are only 50% reliable if you are not pregnant, but almost 100% reliable if you are pregnant. In other words, they are not very reliable. (They are much more likely to tell you that you are pregnant if you are not than to tell you are not pregnant if you are.)

It is better to see a doctor to have a blood test and ease your stress.

actually, home pregnancy tests can be quite accurate if taken after your missed period. the above information is slightly off in terms of false results. actually, tests are more likely to tell you you're NOT pregnant when you ARE (false-negatives), rather than you ARE pregnant when you're not (false-positives). false-positive results are very rare, while false-negatives are more common (and usually caused by testing too early or with diluted urine). if you follow the instructions provided with the test kits, they ARE pretty reliable. though, i agree with the above answerer that doctor's results are always the MOST accurate.
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How many pregnancy tests do you have to take to be correct?

one will work but you can take as many as you want

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after your missed period you can take it at any time. you can take it up to 4 days before even.

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You can take a pregnancy test when you are 2 days late. The tests now will show you are pregnant even before you have missed a period.

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A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.

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Some home pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others. The more sensitive tests may be able to detect seven days after conception.

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AnswerNo time limit. Make sure to thoroughly clean front to back so you don't contaminate the urineAnswerYou can take a pregnancy test whilst you have diarrhea. It will not affect the result.

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Many pregnancy tests can ascertain pregnancy within the first week. If you believe yourself to possibly be within the second week, you could take a pregnancy test now.

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i think so.........maybe

How many weeks do you have to be to take a pregancy test?

Most home pregnancy tests work in as little as one day after conception.

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