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yes ,but please keep it away because that smoker made a kids lungs black every-time the kid inhales .

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Q: How many people does second hand smoking kill?
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Related questions

Why is smoking an offense?

Second hand smoke can kill people and harm people. Smoking is an offense to those who do not wish to damage themselves with smoke.

What is second hand smoke and can it affect your health negatively?

Second hand smoking is very bad and could kill you if you are very young.

How can smoking kill?

either second hand smoke or just smoking can kill you by messing up your lungs and heart either way their both dangerous

Can people die from just breathing in smoke?

Yes because if you breathe in smoke when someone is smoking cigarettes, you are taking in second hand smoking, and the smoke will go in your lung, and can kill you with lung cancer or something.

How many deaths from sencond hand smoke are there each year?

Zero. Second-hand smoking is just a myth created by lawyers and anti-corporate/smoking people as an excuse to tie the cases of individuals with lung cancer who spend large amounts of time in the vicinity of smokers.

Does radon kill people?

Yes. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.

Does second hand cigarette smoke kill more than first hand cirgarette smoke?

Smoking, but the number killed by second hand smoke is significant, and since these are usually our loved ones, it should give us pause. In fact, it should make us quit.

Does smoking or secondhand smoke kill more?

second hand smoke cause more deaths. smoking really isn't that dangerous, it is just easier to blame many things, like lung cancer, on one thing.

What can cigarettes tobacco do to people?

Kill them (and those around them through exposure to second-hand smoke).

Is smoking tobacco will kill people a fact?

Yes, many people will die as a direct result of smoking tobacco or by being exposed to the smoke produced by other people smoking tobacco.

Why do people die who don't smoke?

Second hand smoke is at least as deadly as first hand, if not more. Exposure to second hand smoke can kill. If you are asking why people who don't smoke, and aren't exposed to cigarette smoke die, well, ... everyone is going to die at some point. That's just how it is.

Why was the Hand Gun invented?

To kill people.