second hand smoke cause more deaths. smoking really isn't that dangerous, it is just easier to blame many things, like lung cancer, on one thing.
If someone smokes and the person next to that person is breathing in that air, that's called secondhand smoke. If that person breaths in enough of the secondhand smoke, that person could be sick. Maybe even possibly die with A LOT of air from secondhand smoke!!
Yes passive smoking involves those in your surrounding to inhale certain toxic gases which in turn could harm more than "natural smoking" Smoking the cigarette you are getting the filtered smoke, but secondhand smoke you are getting the "sidestream" and "mainstream" smoke. this means you are breathing in what the smoker is exhaling out, and what is burning off the cigarette. 40% of lung cancer patients who have died are second hand smokers. Done ;)
Yes, passive smoking, also known as secondhand smoke, can cause respiratory problems in nonsmokers, including asthma and bronchitis. Exposure to secondhand smoke can also increase the risk of heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmokers, as they are inhaling many of the same harmful chemicals as active smokers. It is important to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke to protect your health.
Secondhand smoke is terrible for anyone, and even more so for a baby or young child. SIS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) has ties to secondhand smoke. Asthma and allergy development have ties to exposure to secondhand smoke. As a baby's lungs are developing, exposure to the carcinogens in secondhand smoke can lead to serious health consequences.
Secondhand smoking can cause respiratory issues like coughing, wheezing, and increased risk of respiratory infections. It can also increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer in non-smokers who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke.
Not necessarily; although it increases their chances, it is nothing that says 'you WILL get cancer if you smoke'. There are people who have been smoking for 35 years & do not have cancer & there are people who did not smoke at all, but got cancer from secondhand smoke.
Yes, secondhand crack smoke can harm or potentially kill your pet. Pets are more sensitive to the effects of drugs and exposure to crack smoke can lead to respiratory issues, neurological problems, and even death in extreme cases. It's important to keep your pet away from any harmful substances, including secondhand smoke.
Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.
Secondhand smoke is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than firsthand smoke. In fact, 50% of the smoke from a cigarette turns into secondhand smoke. Also, when one is sucking on a cigarette, though it is very damaging, they blow out the smoke and also have the filter on the cigarette. By the time smoke gets to another person, they may just inhale it and cough, unknowing that they've just inhaled a lot of secondhand smoke. They also have no filter to protect them.
it affects the people around you because the smell of it and the chemical in smoking and of u are close to the person that is smoking that is bad because the affects from it is that u can die so stay away from people that smoke and if u have a family member that smokes try to make them quit.
Yes, even secondhand smoke can effect the lungs almost as much as a person who smokes themselves. Second hand smoke can be from any source where anyone smokes. It could be at the work place, in a car, in bars, dance clubs, and can be from anyone. To think that you are at the most risk by family living at home is incorrect, as is the fact that you have to be exposed in great amounts. Smoking itself is harmful, and others that breathe in even small amounts are at risk for harmful effects that might not show up until many years later.