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Smoking, but the number killed by second hand smoke is significant, and since these are usually our loved ones, it should give us pause. In fact, it should make us quit.

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No. More people die from first hand cirgarette smoke.

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Q: Does second hand cigarette smoke kill more than first hand cirgarette smoke?
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What do you call the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the exhaled smoke from a smoker?

Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.

What are the diseases caused by air pollution?

If the pollution in the air is cigarette smoke you can develope lung cancer. Second hand smoke is dangerous.

What is the difference between smoking and second hand smoking?

Some second hand smoke is the smoke exhaled, and the other second hand smoke is smoke that comes off the burning end of cigarette.... You can notice a big difference in the color of those 2 types of smoke. smoking is the smoke inhaled only through the filter on a cigarette.

What is another word for second hand smoking?

smoke from a smoldering cigarette

Why do people die who don't smoke?

Second hand smoke is at least as deadly as first hand, if not more. Exposure to second hand smoke can kill. If you are asking why people who don't smoke, and aren't exposed to cigarette smoke die, well, ... everyone is going to die at some point. That's just how it is.

Why is marijuana second hand smoke less harm full than cigarette second hand smoke?

Because it is weed, and weed is good for your health.

What is a electronic cigarette?

Electronic cigarette is an electric device that contains nicotine and nicotine free e liquid, it satisfied our hunger of smoke without harm. It doesn't have second hand smoke.

What is breathing in cigarette smoke-filled air called?

Many things, to include 'first hand smoke'.

What happens when you second hand smoke?

Second hand smoke, or passive smoking can be just as harmful to you as it is to the person smoking first hand. You want to be careful that you do not hang around people who smoke too much as you could develop the same diseases and problems even if you do not ever touch a cigarette.

When did Kai Wong first smoke a cigarette?

Kai Wong first smoked a cigarette when he was about three years old. His father forced him to smoke a cigarette because he thought that Kai wanted more than milk since he was hyperactive all the time.

Can you get second hand smoke from e-cigs?

Not really... it is possible to inhale secondhand vapors, but it's not the same as secondhand smoke from a cigarette.

How harmful is smoke?

Second hand smoke is just as harmful as if you were the one smoking the cigarette. It will effect your lungs, heart, and can cause cancer.