Very difficult to answer - since most countries are extremely secretive about the amount of nuclear weapons they have stockpiled.
It is difficult to provide an exact number as the use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic global consequences, potentially leading to nuclear winter and widespread devastation. It is imperative to prevent the use of such weapons to protect life on Earth.
No, China is not a nuclear-free zone. China possesses nuclear weapons and is one of the five recognized nuclear-weapon states under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
There are 2 trillion microtons in 2 megatons.
India has 85-100 nuclear warheads, around 15-20% of them aren't active.
Some countries view nuclear weapons as a deterrent against potential threats from other nations. They believe that possessing nuclear weapons enhances their security and sovereignty. However, from a broader perspective, many argue that the world would be safer and more secure without nuclear weapons due to the catastrophic consequences they can bring.
less than 4000, more than 400, exact number classified.
Tens of thousands.
B53 nuclear bomb is nine megatons No public data is out on how large the largest megaton nuke really is but there are claims and reports that it is over 100 megatons.
You had better ask the Pentagon!
Around 400 nuclear warheads. China has the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
12, 250 China has the 2nd largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
The word "nuke" can mean a nuclear power plant or a nuclear weapon.As of January 2013, there are 437 nuclear power plants in operation in the world.Because countries with nuclear weapons are secretive about how many they have, the exact number of nuclear weapons is not known. The Federation of American Scientists estimates there are more than 17,000 nuclear warheads in the world as of 2012.
It is difficult to provide an exact number as the use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic global consequences, potentially leading to nuclear winter and widespread devastation. It is imperative to prevent the use of such weapons to protect life on Earth.
there are many harmful causes of nuclear weapons because whole hiroshima was destroyed of it
Many countries have nuclear weapons today including the United States. China, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan also have nuclear weapons.
They have no nuclear weapons