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up to 8 pints a day, that is the recommended amount you should drink.

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Q: How many liters of water should you drink to lose weight?
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To drink 64 ounces of water should you drink 3 liters?

No. If you want to drink 64 ounces of water you need to drink about 1.89 liters.

How many ounces or liters of water do you drink to lose weight?

16 ounces

How much water should drink to produce 2 liters of urine?

3 to 4 liters of water

What is the most water you should drink in a day?

A male should drink about three liters of water per day. A woman should have 2.2 liters per day. This is an adequate quantity of water to stay hydrated.

How many glasses of water should you drink to loss weight?

if your 178 pounds how much water should you drink to loss weight?

Can drinking 4 liters of water daily harm health when trying to lose weight?

Not at all! To lose weight, you should drink 8oz of water before and after a meal. It will make you feel fuller and more energized.

How many liters should a 190 lb person drink per day?

2 liters of water is what a 190 person should drink per day. They could drink more or less if they desired but 2 liters is a good average.

How much water should you use?

Usually each day you should drink 2 liters of water. 4 liters of water is when we combine all liquid substance we drank

How many liters of water should I drink a day?

100000000 tons

How much water should i drink if i weight 149 lbs?

Weight doesn't matter - adults should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

How do a Mustang horse eat and drink?

A healthy horse should drink 35-55 liters of water a day.

How much water should i drink for my weight?

If you want to lose your weight then drink atleast 14 glass of water each day.