There are hundreds . Some drugs aren`t considered 'Illegal' , but people use them Illegally , to alter their state of mind . Like horse and Cat Tranquilizer . Of course they aren`t Illegal , but it is illegal when people use them on themselves for recreational purposes . There are many different drugs , not just the main 'Cocaine , Methamphetamine , Ecstasy , Etc .. ' You can use some of the many main chemicals that are in those main drugs to get high aswell . It`s probably an endless amount , and we`ll just continue to find more . Like geeze , you can get high off of hairspray if you really wanted to .
Using illegal drugs can lead to addiction, health problems, legal consequences, financial issues, and strained relationships. It can also impair judgment, increase the risk of accidents, and have detrimental effects on mental health.
No, illegal drugs do not show up in a strep test. Strep tests are used to detect bacterial infections specifically for Streptococcus bacteria. Illegal drugs typically require specialized tests, such as urine or blood tests, for detection.
No, it is not permissible in Islam to use illegal drugs as they are harmful to one's body and mind, and go against the principles of self-control and avoiding substances that impair judgment and reasoning. Muslims are encouraged to maintain good health and avoid harmful practices.
Cannabis was made illegal in the UK in 1928 under the Dangerous Drugs Act.
Yes, it is illegal and unethical to give drugs to animals in zoos unless prescribed by a qualified veterinarian for medical treatment. Administering drugs without proper authorization can harm the animals and potentially violate animal welfare laws.
There are many drugs that are not illegal and many that are.
There are a lot of drugs in the US. Count how many sewage pipes are in the US. That's how many illegal drugs are in the US.
Averaged 1400 teens in the U.S die from illegal drugs a year.
There are so many different types of illegal drugs and so many different effects that no one person could answer the question as stated.
Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.
Thousands upon thousands. There are illegal and legal drugs if that's what you mean, but there are so many drugs.
15 trillion
A LOT of people.
Illegal drugs kill about 4,500 people each year.