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There are hundreds . Some drugs aren`t considered 'Illegal' , but people use them Illegally , to alter their state of mind . Like horse and Cat Tranquilizer . Of course they aren`t Illegal , but it is illegal when people use them on themselves for recreational purposes . There are many different drugs , not just the main 'Cocaine , Methamphetamine , Ecstasy , Etc .. ' You can use some of the many main chemicals that are in those main drugs to get high aswell . It`s probably an endless amount , and we`ll just continue to find more . Like geeze , you can get high off of hairspray if you really wanted to .

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10mo ago

There are numerous illegal drugs, including but not limited to marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, LSD, ecstasy, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. The illegal drug market is vast and diverse, with new substances constantly emerging.

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