A normal period is 28 days apart. Exactly 4 weeks. It can be 25 days to 32 days
Three days
Approximately 0.904 lots of 405 day periods.
Typically menstruation lasts for between 5-7 days. Everyone is different so some women may have shorter or longer periods, also menstrual phases are never exactly the same so days may vary from one cycle to the next.
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I'm not actually sure but I'm guessing once a month for about 5- 7 days
Not every woman is the same, but they average 26 to 30 days between periods.
If you mean how Many days are there between a girls periods , there are 28
usually 28, but everybody's period is different.
in how MAny days i ll get periods after stopping regestrone for 3 days?
Periods can last anywhere between 5 to 7 days.
Three days
The homophone between "time periods" and "to stun" is "thyme petals."
Periods occur each month not each day Periods last a minimum of 5 days and can range to 7 days.
7 days
The whole process is about 28 days but in between periods it is about (depending on the woman or girl) 21-27 days of not being on a period
Yes, ovulation occurs half way between periods.
Most human females have menstruation periods of between 26 and 32 days in length.