in how MAny days i ll get periods after stopping regestrone for 3 days?
about 5-7 days depending on how many pills of the period week you take.
Three days
Periods occur each month not each day Periods last a minimum of 5 days and can range to 7 days.
7 days
Ok this is a hard to answer question people. I truly don't know the answer cause I'm just learning about periods myself. Sorry to disappoint y'all in any way . I don't know.
If you mean how Many days are there between a girls periods , there are 28
114 days
Yes, many women stop having periods while taking BCP.
usually 28, but everybody's period is different.
About 12.7 days (24-hour periods).
Not every woman is the same, but they average 26 to 30 days between periods.
Yes many women have no periods while taking BCP.