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Typically menstruation lasts for between 5-7 days. Everyone is different so some women may have shorter or longer periods, also menstrual phases are never exactly the same so days may vary from one cycle to the next.

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Q: How many days do a girl have her period?
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How many days does it take for a girl to get her period?

28 days

How many days the period last?

That depends on the girl but anything from a few days to up to a week.

Does a girl have to have a period for a full week?

no not at all period may vary from 4 to 14 days in the same girl

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The newborn girl period typically lasts for about 2-7 days.

How long a girl have their period?

The average period can range from about 4 to 8 days long.

Can a girl ovulates few days before her periods starts?

Yes, a girl can ovulate a couples of days before her period.

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Can you have a girl three days before your period?

yes. anyone can conceive at any time as long as there is an egg present with a sperm.

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How long is the average period for a young girl?

4-7 days.