28 Days
How many days does the month of September have? Enter the number, and put a period after it.:
How many days does the month of September have? Enter the number, and put a period after it.:
as much blood that comes out
There is no 'safe' period. Pregnancy can occur at any time during your menstrual cycle.
28 days
That depends on the girl but anything from a few days to up to a week.
no not at all period may vary from 4 to 14 days in the same girl
The average period can range from about 4 to 8 days long.
Yes, a girl can ovulate a couples of days before her period.
I have before my period, I start my period for 3 days then My period was stop after my period for 3 days, I want to know what happened to me?
yes. anyone can conceive at any time as long as there is an egg present with a sperm.
4-7 days.