13 year-olds should have about 34 g protein each day, and 14 to 18 year-olds, about 46 g
It really depends on the 11 year old. Usually 11 year olds are sticks, but some are growing/mature. im mature for sure. my thighs are huge but everybody tells me im skinny. It depends on your structure. If you want to see if you're overweight, go on google and look up "BMI calculator" click on the website and you can see if you're at healthy weight (which means your thighs are at a healthy size)
there aren't very many that are apropriatte for 5-year-olds, so you should try getting them a handheld called a leapster.
Yes they should
I am 13 and I use a treadmill about every day!! It helps me stay in shape and feel better about myself. It could help many 13 year olds self esteem to use a treadmill to get in shape. Too many kids out there are obese because they do not eat healthy or exercise. 13 year olds should definitely use treadmills.
The lab should be able to.
Yes if you are good enough
You should aim for less than 30% of all calories to be from fat.
Sixteen year olds cause about 76 wrecks per year.
An 8 year old should get 8 hours of sleep because that's what a doctor would recommend