The percentages are based on 2000 calories per day.
The percent daily value is based on a 2,000 calories per day diet.
The daily value on food labels is based of of a 2,000 calories diet.
For female children ages 4-8, a daily intake of calories should be 1200 kcal/d. For female children ages 9-13, a daily intake of calories should be 1600 kcal/d. Calorie estimates are based on a sedentary lifestyle, in a temperate environment.
2155 Calories
In general, 45% - 65% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates.Example:If you eat 2000 calories a day, 900-1300 calories (225-325 grams) of carbohydrates are recommended.
Between 1,500 and 2,000 calories a day. Variations are based on gender, body size (height and weight), body fat, and daily level of activity.
The percent daily values is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.
15 or 35, all diets should be based on your height and weight to make sure you get the daily recommended calories.
The recommended daily allowence of a child is abput 1000 calories for both boys and gilrs. they should intake about 550 calories in there main meal of the day. The recommended daily allowence of a child is abput 1000 calories for both boys and gilrs. they should intake about 550 calories in there main meal of the day.
Daily calories should come from nutritious foods like vegetables, grains, and fruit. A nine year old girl requires about 1,400 calories daily.