A pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so to lose 1 lb of fat you need to expend 3500 calories more than you're intaking.
physical activity provides benefits in which areas
If you want to loss some weight. than start exorcise and loss atleast 200 calories in a day.
You can't convert calories to weight. If you mean how many calories are contained in a substance then you'd need to know what that substance was.
You would need to lose 3500 Calories to lose 1poundDecrease your daily calories by 30%.
Yes and no. It depends on how many calories you eat. 3500 calories equal 1 gram of fat, so cut 500 calories each day. If you do this then every week you will lose 1 gram a fat.
1900 calories !!!
No, you do not burn calories just by being scared.
3,600 calories (consumed in one day) will equal one pound of weight gained.
About 200 calories. It has a lot of carbohydrates, which make weight loss harder the more you eat them.
How many calories you consume per day is very important when you are trying to loose weight. If you follow a weight loss meal plan it will help you keep track of how many calories a day you are consuming and make it much easier and faster to loose weight.