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It depends based on how much fat is in the bacon, but around 200 calories or so.

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Q: How many calories in three slices of bacon?
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Related questions

How many calories are in 4 pieces of turkey bacon?

There are about 170 calories in 4 medium slices of turkey bacon.

How many slices of bacon is 3 ounces?

Usually 1 slice of bacon equals one ounce, so three slices of bacon equals three ounces. This can vary depending on the thickness of the bacon.

How many calories in 8 slices of bacon?

Depends on the kind of bacon, look on your pack for what a serving size is, then divide the calories in one serving by the number of slices in one serving. For example The bacon I eat (turkey btw, that's why the cal count is low) has 2 slices as the serving size, there are 84 calories in one serving so 84/2 = 42 calories in one slice.

How many calories in a bacon sandwich?

This is an approximation due to the fact that the thickness of bacon and type of bread used can be changed along with the sauce brand and also butter/spread used bacon = 54kcal slice of bread = 106kcal butter = 45kcal So, it would be 365kcal for 2 slices of bread and 2 slices of bacon sandwich.

How many calories in boiled bacon?

It depends on the weight of the pack. The calorie content is usually listed on the back of the pack. Alternatively, for the calories in bacon by weight, or the number of strips/pieces in a serving, please the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many calories in three slices of virginia bake ham with glaze?

It depends. How thick are the slices? What's in the glaze?

How many calories are in eggs bacon and sausage?

The calorie content depends on how the eggs are cooked, the size of the eggs and how many, the size of the sausage and how many, plus how many slices of bacon. For the calories in bacon per slice, the calories in eggs by size, and the calories in sausages by size, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

How many slices of bacon equals a rasher?


How many slices in a rash of bacon?

one rasher is one slice of bacon i think.

How many calories in 4 apple slices?

About 40 calories.

How many kcal are in a bacon roll?

1 piece of bacon has 149 calories; roll is 144, calories so that is 442 calories in one bacon roll.

How many weight watcher points in bacon?

bacon is 1 point for one slice, 3 points for 2 slices, or 4 points for 3 slices.