Usually, about 3500 calories equals 1 pound of fat, so 7000 calories would be 2 pounds.
In general, a safe way to lose weight is to decrease your calorie intake by about 500 calories per day. That will help you lose 1 pound per week.
When you are ready, also incorporate physical activity into your life. (This might make it appear as though you are slowing down weight loss, but you'll see a change in your body if you take pictures of yourself over the course of your regimen) Physical activity doesn't have to mean going to the gym. You can dance around to your favorite song each day, park a few spots farther away at work, go down the stairs instead of taking an elevator, etc.
Weight loss occurs when you consume less calories than you burn. So, if you decrease your calorie intake by 500 calories per day, and increase your activity by 250 calories, you will have a net deficit of 750 calories per day, helping you lose about 1.5 pounds per week.
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