It depends on your weight and your activity level, however, it should be somewhere between 400-800 calories for 1 hour of Racquetball.
You might burn 390 Calories per hour of Dodgeball play
51/15 You're looking at 3.4 calories per minute
depending on how intense the game is, you can burn upto 200 calories-- you also burn calories during recovery .
You would burn about 200 calories by walking for 60 minutes. About how many calories would you burn if you walk for 15 minutes
50 calories
apparently, you can burn 100 calories per 15 minutes playing xbox games. Obviously they couldn't be simple 1-5 button games but use of almost the whole controller.
I think they burn at least 110 calories
You burn more calories playing on the computer than watching TV. Both burn very few calories, though.
You burn about 5.3 calories per minute playing Wii Tennis.
You will burn around 600 to 700 calories, depending on the intesity
It depends on whether you are playing singles or doubles and how intense the rally's are. An average amount of calorie burn for 30 min: singles would be about 275 doubles would be about 210
Cycling at about 100 RPM, one can burn close to 107 calories in about 15 minutes.