A medium steak should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145F (63C).
Calories in rump steak In rump steak cooked by overhead grilling or oven grilling there are:49 calories in 1 oz or 28g, or a 1 oz or 28g slice, of rump steak (lean only)171 calories in a small size steak, 3 and a ½ ounce, or 100g, of rump steak (lean only)196 calories in a small size 4 ounce, or 114g, rump steak (lean only)294 calories in a medium size 6 ounce, or 171g, rump steak (lean only)392 calories in a large size 8 ounce, or 227g, rump steak (lean only)784 calories in a very large size 16 ounce (1 lb) or 454g rump steak (lean only)171 calories in 3 and a ½ ounce, or 100g, of sliced or chopped round or rump (lean only).For the calories in salad and vegetables or fruits that are served with steak, here is a free vegetable/ salad chart, and here is a free fruit a calorie chart, that you can use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance.
There are 380 calories per 8 ounce steak.
A medium well steak should be cooked to an internal temperature of 150-155F.
It depends on the type of steak, how it is cooked, and whether you eat the fat or not.For example, in a grilled/broiled sirloin steak there are:Approx 53 calories per ounce or 28g (lean only fat not eaten)Approx 73 calories per ounce or 28g lean & fatApprox 212 calories in a 4 oz or 114g, steak (lean only)Approx 265 calories in 5 oz or 171g, steak (lean only).
precisely 5.46744 calories per ounce of rice and about 8.56649 calories per ounce of peppered steak(including the pepper)
Calories in cubed steakIn home-cooked cubed steak (such as plain braising) there are:Approx 56 calories per ounce or 28g of cooked cubed steak (lean only)Approx 169 calories in 3 oz or 85g of cooked cubed steak (lean only)Approx 336 calories in 6 oz or 171g, of cooked cubed steak (lean only)Approx 448 calories in 8 oz or 227g of cooked cubed steak (lean only)Approx 672 calories in 12 oz or 340g of cubed steak (lean only)Approx 672 calories in 16 oz (1 lb) of cubed steak (lean only)For the calorie content of vegetables or fruit to serve with steak, and vegetable and fruit calorie charts, which you may use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Calories in steak and corn on the cobThe calorie content of steak and corn on the cob depends on such things as how the steak and corn are cooked, what kind of steak is used, the weight of the steak and corn, whether you add butter to the corn and if so how much. For the calories in cooked steak by weight, and the calories in cooked corn on the cob by weight, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
There are about 207 calories in 3oz of cooked sirloin.
Calories in an 8 oz cube steakIn home-cooked cube steak (such as plain braising) there are:Approx 56 calories per ounce or 28g of cooked cubed steak (lean only)Approx 448 calories in 8 oz or 227g of cooked cubed steak (lean only).For the calorie content of vegetables or fruit to serve with steak, and vegetable and fruit calorie charts, which you may use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
If 1oz is 63 calories then its 630calories :)
Cooked by overhead grilling/oven grilling/broiling: 424 calories in an 8 oz or 227g steak (lean only)Pan fried:536 calories in an 8 oz or 227g steak (lean only)