depends on what apps there are 1000s of them but thay are different megabites
It all depends on what size of games your playing.
It Can hold a lot of games i have the 4gb and i currently have 4 games on it and only .8 gb have been taken up. It doesn't really matter much unless you buy the game off of the Xbox Network because otherwise you will just be playing it off the disk and it needs room to save.
If you mean full games like Halo: Reach then 0. Most games are at least over 5Gb If you mean arcade games like Shadow Complex or Trials HD, I would say anywhere from 5 to 8. They have a wide range of how big the file is, making it hard to estimate.
The word byte means by 8. This means there are 8 bits in one byte. 1024 bytes make up a kilobyte. 1024 kilobytes(kb) make up a megabyte(mb). 1024mb make up one gigabyte(gb). 1024gb make up one terabyte(tb). most DVD files (when ripped) are around 4gb. 8gb is enough to hold two full dvds. 8gb is enough to holdaround 1500 songs in mp3 format. 512mb is enough to hold, maybe, 50-100 songs in mps format. I hope I have answered your question and given you future insight. -Viral Enigma
You can have different harddrive put into the PS3, but game sizes are not standard or even close to being equal in size. 30 games can take up the same space as 2 if you are talking about full downloads with the DLCs and I mean PS3 games. In my 320 GB I have 55 PS3 games and the sizes of the games vary greatly. Then the 18 PS1 games are much smaller. Some of the dozen mini games are only 1/8 to 1/4 of a GB. You can see the download size at the Playstation Store and if you are not talking about downloading the games and add ons the harddrive is not holding the game only some game information and the rest remains on the game disc.
habib! it holds 55 apps
as many apps and stuff you can put on your screen
8000 apps :)
To be honest, there is no such thing as a 34 GB iPod Touch. But, here are the following ones: 8, 16, 32, 64 GB.
The 32 GB one can hold more songs and apps, as it has 4 times as much memory.
my iPod is locked right now and I cant get into it, but since I download apps and pics like crazy, it held about.... a good 7 pages, I think
1750 songs 10 hours of movies and tv programmes about 200 small apps
It doesnt depend on android it depends on the phone company and space that one can have in that phone. Mobile manufacturing company decides the that what is memory limit of our smartphone
It depends on the type you get. Like a 8gb can hold up to 10 thousand photos but with not much apps or videos or anything else but 16 gb is just doubleing the 8 gb so 36 gb is double again and finally so on with the64 gb aswell
approx 1750.
Most apps, not including their data, are between 2 to 32 MB in size. If your 31 apps are 2 MB in size, they would take up 64 MB (0.078%) of your 8 GB storage (you consider 8 GB as 8192 MB, not 8000 MB). If your apps are 4 MB in size, they take up 128 MB (1.56%) of 8 GB. 8 MB apps take up 256 MB (3.125%) of 8 GB. 16 MB apps take up 512 MB (6.25%) of 8 GB. So, even at 31 apps, it doesn't take up much space by itself.