The word byte means by 8. This means there are 8 bits in one byte. 1024 bytes make up a kilobyte. 1024 kilobytes(kb) make up a megabyte(mb). 1024mb make up one gigabyte(gb). 1024gb make up one terabyte(tb). most DVD files (when ripped) are around 4gb. 8gb is enough to hold two full dvds. 8gb is enough to holdaround 1500 songs in mp3 format. 512mb is enough to hold, maybe, 50-100 songs in mps format. I hope I have answered your question and given you future insight. -Viral Enigma
put your wallpaper on the memory stick. than take the memory stick out of your and put it in the other psp and go to memory stick under photo and make it your new background. also you can plug it into the computer and transfer it onto the PC then put it on to the other psp by plugging that one into the PC.
about 10-15if the bitrate is low than may be more..
i'd doubt it, a ps2 is bigger than a ps1, therefore the card may not even fit.
A psp slim could cost from anywhere between $200-$600. Some may even cost more. The reason why some are more expensive than others is because $200 ones don't include memory stick, and stuff like that. A $400 one will include a memory stick, wrist strap, a movie, an mabye even a game. I got my psp for $200.
It is very good for memory but to make it help your memory you need to play it more than a few times
Yes, 512MB is 1/4 the size of 2GB.
No - 512mb is twice as much as 256mb !
They are two different things. the 1.66ghz is the speed of your processor, while 512MB is the size of your RAM or memory.
A computer memory stick can be as small as your small finger. Small memory sticks do have less space than bigger ones, but are easier to carry and easier to use.
No. 2 Gb is 2048 Mb. 2Gb is four times the memory of 512Mb.
Yes, yes its much better. Games very rarely use more than 512mb graphics memory. Thats right, 2gb cards are a total gimmick.
Through the magic of Virtual Memory, though it might page to disk more often than you want.
512MB is exactly half of 1GB.
No the meter stick is larger
A: A 64GB is Bigger.
More than likely you have an "onboard" video or sound device which is taking part of the memory.
Yes if it is compatible with the PSP than yes you can use the 8gigabyte memory stick