

Best Answer

about 10-15
if the bitrate is low than may be more..

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Q: How many songs can a 32mb memory stick hold?
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What will 32mb hold?

it will hold about 10 mp3 songs

How much music will a 8 GB memory stick hold?

For an iPod, an 8 GB memory stick will hold approximately 2,000 songs.

How many songs can you fit on a 32gb memory stick?

A 32 GB memory stick should hold around 7,000 songs or 40 hours of continuous video.

How many songs can a silver psp hold?

Depends on how much memory your memory stick has and how long the song is.

How much songs does a 64gb usb memory stick hold?

you can save more then 1200 files on 64gb memory stick that's how gay people do lesbion aswell

How many pictures can a 32mb memory card hold in 5.1 mega pixel sony camera?

About 6-8 photos.

How many songs can a 6gb hold?

A six gigabyte memory is installed on different types of electronics. Memory of this size can hold around 1500 songs.

How many minutes of memory does a 512Mb hold for camcorders?


How many songs can 4 GB of memory hold?

The number of songs 4 GB of memory can hold depends on the file size of each song. On average, a 3-minute song in standard quality is around 3-4 MB. Therefore, 4 GB of memory can hold roughly 1000-1300 songs.

How many songs can hold on a 2GB memory card?

that depends on the size of the songs 1000

How do you make a psp read your memory stick?

Take the memory card out the psp and then push it in fast and hold it in, but not that hard but you need to do it hard. You have to hold it the w hole time you want to load something or save. When i watch videos on my psp i have to hold the memory stick

How much does a regular memory stick hold?

it depends on the size you get