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The bleeding will last a few days or more, if you mean by "show" the bulge in your lower abdomen/pelvis, it depends on how far along you were and how much weight you have gained and if you have been pregnant before.

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Q: How long will you show after having a miscarriage?
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You just started having symptoms of a miscarriage but the home pregnancy test says negative.Could you really be having a miscarriage?

if only just pregnant then yes it wouldn't show up on a test

How long do you bleed after having a miscarriage at 3 weeks?

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A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

How long can you bleed when having a miscarriage?

If it goes on for very long you should see your GYN to get some help with the problem.

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The period can be late without you having a miscarriage. It happens from now and then. If you had a miscarriage the test will show positive for a little while longer since it takes time for the hormones to settle.

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24 weeks is not a miscarriage but premature birth. The healing process is the same as after a full term birth, 6 weeks.

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20-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, but having one miscarriage does not put you at any greater risk of having another. Good luck

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When having a miscarriage when does the fetus die?

The fetus is generally already dead when the miscarriage occurs.

How likely is a second miscarriage after already having one miscarriage?

After one miscarriage you are no more likely than before to miscarry again.

I'm having a little cramping after having a miscarriage should I go to a hospital?

Only if they are very bad. Cramps after/during a miscarriage are normal

Are you having a miscarriage if there's no bleeding?

If your not bleeding then your pregnant if you start bleeding in your pregnancy it's a miscarriage