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The fetus is generally already dead when the miscarriage occurs.

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Q: When having a miscarriage when does the fetus die?
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Is it still a miscarriage if you habe a miscarriage but the baby is still inside you or is everything okay still?

A fetus can die inside you but not come out so then it is still a miscarriage. You have to see the doctor if you suspect a miscarriage.

When you miscarriage does anything come out?

Yes, the fetus and blood etc. Sometimes the fetus die and the cramping wont start so it has to be induced.

Can you have a miscarriage without cramps?

Yes. The fetus can die and there wont be any cramps for a couple of weeks.

How do you get the dead fetus out from miscarriage?

i need help i am having a miscarriage and i am at home

How long does it take to pass a fetus after you suspected you have had a miscarriage?

The fetus is passed during the bleeding of a miscarriage. If it's in the first trimester, the fetus is smaller than a prune, so would look like a large clot.

What do you call the death of the fetus?


What is recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage is defined as three or more miscarriages of a fetus before 20 weeks of gestation (i.e., before the fetus can live outside the womb).

What is the purpose of miscarriages?

A woman's body may undergo a miscarriage if it is carrying an unviable fetus. If the miscarriage was done purposely, it is known as an induced miscarriage or abortion.

Is sex is cause of miscarriage in early stages of pregnancy?

No, when having a miscarriage in the first trimester it's usually because the fetus would not make it through the pregnancy. It can be deformed for instance. Mother Nature takes care of it so to speak.

How do you explain to your spouse that your having a miscarriage?

Where I come from we have abortion and calls it that and miscarriage and calls it that. In the US you are sometimes calling a natural abortion miscarriage which gets confusing here in the questions I have to say. If you are having a miscarriage it's mother natures way to abort a no viable fetus. It is not your fault. Tell your spouse and grieve together. if you are having an abortion you should tell him and give him the reasons to why you don't want a baby right now. He will either accept it or be sad for awhile. Give him that time.

Can a hospital help with dead fetus?

Yes if you have a miscarriage go to the hospital.

What is the number one cause of miscarriage?

chromosomal abnormality of the developing fetus.