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Yes. The fetus can die and there wont be any cramps for a couple of weeks.

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Q: Can you have a miscarriage without cramps?
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Can you have a miscarriage if there is bleeding but no cramps or pain?


Is it normal to have cramps after a miscarriage?

Cramps are contractions of the uterus. They can be a normal part of a spontanious or induced miscarriage. However, it is important to have follow up doctor care after a miscarriage to make sure all the tissue is expelled.

Can you have a miscarriage with out cramps chills fever or low back pain Just pass blood and tissue?

Yes you can. Chills and fever are signs of infection and it is quite possible to have a miscarriage without infection. A very early miscarriage may also be painless, though a later one witll probably give you cramps and/or lower back pain.

How is tissue removed when you have a miscarriage?

By the cramps or by a D&C by a doctor.

Will Melanie on Days of Our Lives have a miscarriage?

Yes she does have a miscarriage. She goes into the hospital with cramps, soon to find out she had a miscarriage. Both Phillip and Nathan are concerned for Melanie.

How do you know you miscarriage a baby?

Bleeding heavily, your pee can go from a darker yellow to a lighter yellow, random cramps. The cramps can be identified as menstrual cramps but some sharp pains.

I'm having a little cramping after having a miscarriage should I go to a hospital?

Only if they are very bad. Cramps after/during a miscarriage are normal

Does having bad cramps to were it makes you cry a sign of a miscarriage?

Possibly but unlikely, It depends were your cramps are and howoften you have them. I advice you to see your doctor for this problem.

If there had been light bleeding and then a horrible pain that hurt so much you couldn't stand and blood clots Does that mean you had a miscarriage?

No. If you feel the need, go to your local doctor and have them do a pelvic exam. Severe cramps with blood clots may indicate many things, including a miscarriage. The cramps could also just be cramps.

Cramps followed by diarrhea is this a sign off miscarriage?

Cramps followed by diarrhea can be a sign of an eptopic pregnancy so you should visit your doctor to let them check it out.

Is it possible for the cramps to become a lot less painful right after the miscarriage?

Once you have passed all of the "contents of pregnancy" the bleeding may subside and the cramps lessen. Everyone is different. Your body is going through a lot during a miscarriage and the cramping is the uterus contracting to empty, so as time goes on the cramps should lighten. Hello - It is possible yes. I am very sorry about your miscarriage. See your Doctor to make certain the Foetus has been expelled.

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.