It is possible that you are having a miscarriage. You need to go to hospital at once
It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.
Lack of a period is a typical symptom of pregnancy, not heavy bleeding. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
if you are bleeding heavily than you probably aren't pregnant, but if you have had a positive pregnancy test and are bleeding heavily you need to see a doctor
You will bleed for the following reasons: * Missed pill(s) * Pregnancy * Recently took MAP * UTI
Cramps are common during pregnancy. It is because of the uterus stretching to make space for the baby
yes unless you bleed, your not suppose to bleed durinq preqnancy. i had period like cramps and i was concerned about it so i asked my doctor and he said that's completely normal unless your bleedinq.
Yes, but usually only at the time you would have had your first period after conception. After that it's normal to have pregnancy cramps but they're not normally menstrual cramps. If you are asking whether you can get pregnant during your period the answer is, it's very unlikely.
I have contraction like cramps,and I just found out I was pregnant, but a good idea wood be to take a HPT to determine the pregnancy,If it says negative and you still haven't started your period wait a week and try again, if you still haven't contact your doctor.
Some women bleed throughout their entire pregnancy this is usually referred to as spotting. As far as i am aware it is not heavy. My advice to you would be to see your doctor as soon as possible, even if it is just to put your mind at rest. Doctors is definitely the way to go from now until you are appointed a midwife.
Tylenol does not thin your blood and is the only safe pain reliever to take during pregnancy.
Is it normal to get period cramps while on the pill?
I wouldn't think so. I would go to the doctors to make sure everything is ok. I have one kid and i never bled or had cramps while i was pregnant. I have heard of bleeding but not severe cramping.