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Why do you have a fishing line in your tongue piercing in the first place

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Q: How long will fishing line keep a tongue piercing open?
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When piercing your tongue where do they pierce it at?

In the hands of a professional body piercer the piercing will be located in the center line of the tongue. Your piercer will know where to do the piercing, leave it to them.

Does fishing line keep birds away?

Fishing line is not a humane way to keep birds away from areas a person would like to restrict. The fishing line can kill the bird.

You have this stinging pain at the tip of your tongue and you got your tongue pierced the other day what is this?

Well generally with the post piercing swelling, it's hard to tell what is considered normal. In a standard center line tongue piercing, placed approx 3/4" back from the tip of the tongue normal even swelling is to be expected. In the center line piercing you are only piercing connective tissue that joins the right and left sides of the tongue. So the possibility of nerve damage is fairly low (note I am not saying "no risk", there is always a risk when piercing the tongue, but I am talking about a professionally performed piercing) If you have any other form of tongue piercing then the risk becomes even higher, so numbness and possible permanent damage is a real ever present risk. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body and a very important one at that, so serious thought needs to be put into getting a piercing before actually getting it done to ensure you are making a good decision. Once it's pierced, there is no way to repair the damage done to it, it's a one shot deal and there is no turning back.

Has anybody died from piercing their own tongue?

Honestly, I haven't heard of any cases like that but there could be something out there. But even if no one has died, it doesnt make it any less dangerous. Piercing the tongue is tricky because there are some pretty large veins in that area. There have been quite a few cases of people getting tongue piercings by someone with little experience and losing significant amounts of blood- to the point that they need transfusions. Also, piercing yourself significantly raises the risk of infection. If your piercing does get infected and you dont treat it in time, the infection could spread and end up in your bloodstream- thats called sepsis. Sepsis is incredibly dangerous and can be deadly. Bottom line- piercing yourself is not safe, especially not with a tongue piercing.

Is fishing line recyclable?

Yes. Some fishing spots have recyle receptacles for fishing line.

Why do some people prefer braid fishing line?

There are many advantages to using braid fishing line while fishing. One of the main reasons to use braid fishing line is to have a fishing line that will not stretch, which is advantageous for some types of activity whilst fishing.

How is fishing line made?

fishing line is made by materials and machines

How sore is getting your tongue done compared to your bellybutton?

Pain levels can vary for each person, but generally getting your tongue pierced is more painful than getting your bellybutton pierced due to the denser nerve endings and sensitive nature of the tongue. However, both piercings are known to cause discomfort during and after the procedure.

What is the best line for shark fishing?

Use 65 pound test braided fishing line for shark fishing. Learn more about Braided fishing line and when to use them on fishingsidelife

Is numbness at the tip of your tongue normal after a tongue piercing?

No way that's nerve damage for your own sake get it removed immediately. Get to the doctor now . I am one. _________ One thing the "doctor" didn't think of is trauma. Sometimes, your brain will block pain completely by making a certain area of your body numb. I would wait a day or two but if feeling does not come back I would remove the piercing and then wait another day or two and if still no feeling then you need to see a doctor.

Which one hurts more getting your tongue pierced or getting a tattoo?

The sensation of piercing varies from place to place, the tongue when pierced doesn't hurt so much as actually more a sensation of pressure. The nipples are again another sensation (keeping in mind we are talking about piercings done by a professional body piercer with skill and experience) completely different from tongue piercing. The sensation of pain is reduced by the client's mind set* (* do you want the piercing or don't you, if you want something it's much easier than when you have reservations about doing it ) and the skill of the piercer.

Is nylon fishing line a elastic or plastic?

is nylon fishing line elastic or plastic