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Honestly, I haven't heard of any cases like that but there could be something out there. But even if no one has died, it doesnt make it any less dangerous. Piercing the tongue is tricky because there are some pretty large veins in that area. There have been quite a few cases of people getting tongue piercings by someone with little experience and losing significant amounts of blood- to the point that they need transfusions. Also, piercing yourself significantly raises the risk of infection. If your piercing does get infected and you dont treat it in time, the infection could spread and end up in your bloodstream- thats called sepsis. Sepsis is incredibly dangerous and can be deadly. Bottom line- piercing yourself is not safe, especially not with a tongue piercing.

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Q: Has anybody died from piercing their own tongue?
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Is a green discharge normal with a tongue piercing?

it is totally normal when you have a tongue piercing to get a kind of discharge, it's the body's way of healing itself. This normally appears for 1-2 weeks. If it carries on see your doctor, but it should heal on its own.

How can you pierce your own tongue without using a piercing kit?

I Recommend You Do NOT Even Think About Piercing This Your Self, This Piercing Especially Should Be Done By Professional ONLY. The Tongue Is A Very Important Muscle In Your Body, There Are 2 Main Vains Below Your Tongue, If Either Of These Are Hit This Will Cause You To Bleed Heavily And Possibly Become Paralised So Think Twice Before You Think Of Doing This.

How do you pierce your tongue with only a barbell?

YOU DON'T. How in the heck would you shove such a blunt and wide bar through your tongue? Piercing your own tongue is a horrible idea. You could hit an artery and bleed to death. Go to a professional

If you pierce your own tongue you want to know where is the piercing go?

Don't pierce your own tongue. You can impede your speech permanently if you do so. Go see a professional and they will gladly do it. It takes less time, and in general is an easier way about things.

Is it normal for some one to swallow weird after a tongue piercing?

Naah, Your probably gonna die.. awk << WRONG!! << You swallow weird after a tongue piercing because it is swollen... I know because I have one of my own... it should take up to a month to heal if you don't move your tongue... Mine took a week for the swelling to go down but if it is swollen after a month then you weren't moving your tongue... If it helps you put crushed ice one your tongue and you will be okay...

How can a double tongue piercing rip a hole in your tongue?

A Double Tongue Piercing Can Rip A Hole In Your Tongue Because Imagine If You Have 2 Piercings In Your Tongue, 1 Behind The Other, Close Together What Happens When You Catch The Bars Between Your Teeth Whilst Exercising Ect. The Bar Has No Other Option Other Than To Rip The 2 Together In Some Cases It Has Been Known For The Bar To Be Ripped Straight Out The Tongue Leaving The Tongue In 2 Halves, I Myself Have 2 Tongue Piercings One Behind The Other & I Have To Be Cautios Of Ripping Them Together As They Are So Close.

If you take your own barbell would they Perice your tongue with it?

Most studios won't use your own barbell unless it was used for a previous tongue piercing you had. See we need to know what the barbell is made of , some barbells available from "novelty stores" are generally junk and that's the last thing we want to put into your tongue. Now if the barbell is the right size for your piercing and you can confirm it's good quality, and the piercer is good with that, they will need to autoclave it before it can be used. This involves putting it in the autoclave to sterilize it before it can be considered safe for a new piercing. So your best bet is to call your local body piercing studio's and see what they have to say. So will, some won't, others might.

Can piercing your tongue affect you?

As long as you get it done by a professional and take care of it exactly as they tell you, your tongue piercing should be fine. For the first week your tongue will probably swell and you won't be able to eat solid food, but the tongue is a muscle so it heals faster then most piercings if taken care of properly. That being said, do not attempt to do this yourself, your tongue has a lot of nerves and blood vessels, pierce your own tongue in the wrong place and you could end up loosing feeling in your tongue, loose your taste or even worse bleeding to death! A good piercer spends 5-10 minutes examining your tongue to find the safest route through it. So be smart, go to a professional and good luck!

What are the steps of piercing your own tongue?

1) Grab the phone book, look up body piercing/ ear piercing 2) Call body piercing studio and book an appointment. 3) Show up for your appointment and have it done by a professional who will answer your questions about the procedure and the related aftercare for the piercing. This site is not geared to providing information to individuals who will attempt to do themselves, or others, bodily harm by attempting to provide a service or perform an act that is regulated by government agencies.

Should a teen pierce their own tongue or have it done professionally?

Self-Piercing or Go to a Pro?You should wait and get it done by a pro. There are several veins that run underneath your tongue and if you hit one of them, you will bleed alot. Due To The Problems Of Infection, Best To Have A Very Knowledge Proffesional Do This

Is numbness at the tip of your tongue normal after a tongue piercing?

No way that's nerve damage for your own sake get it removed immediately. Get to the doctor now . I am one. _________ One thing the "doctor" didn't think of is trauma. Sometimes, your brain will block pain completely by making a certain area of your body numb. I would wait a day or two but if feeling does not come back I would remove the piercing and then wait another day or two and if still no feeling then you need to see a doctor.

Can you get paralyzed when getting your tongue pierced?

yes it is true, if You dont know how to do it.