Girls have their period once a month for as long as their body needs too. The start it about at 10-13 years old and quit as an adult.
28 days
5-7 days
A line graph measures data, usually over a time period. The time may be a long period or short period.
No, generally 30 days is late. A late period can be caused by stress, sickness, too much dieting, and pregnancy. Not all periods are 28 days and can go as long as 35 day between periods. . If you are young and just starting your period it will take a year or so before it becomes regular. The same thing happens with menopause the periods become irregular because of hormones.
It is definitely too long! You usually have your period for a week every month. If it keeps on continuing I suggest you to go and see your doctor.
How long is too long for your period to last This link contains much useful information
If you have regular periods then 5-6 weeks is too long since your last period. If you are 16 years old, you may be experiencing irregular periods. It happens.
Yes, ten days is too long for a period. Period duration can range between one day and eight days with an average of 3-5 days.
Get checked for anemia or get put on birth control
yes if you eat a lot after a long period of time
It depends how old you are. If you are young, and just got your first period not too long ago, then that is normal, if you have had it for a long time, talk to your doctor.
You will be very cranky and tired. If you don't sleep for a long period of time, you will eventually go crazy.
White discharge and you don't have your period yet? I'd get that checked out with a doctor....White discharge during your period? I'd get that checked out too. Doesn't sound normal.
If your weight gets too low then your period will usually stop. If you exercise a lot, that too can stop your period.
It can be bad to have too much oil in an engine. This can cause all kinds of problems if run for a long period of time.
That is a great question! The answer is yes. The period is too different for the same. Your life is too short. So this electromagnetic field will last for very short time. The life of the stars is too long as compared to human life. So the period is too long.