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How long is too long for your period to last

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Q: What does it mean if your on your period for a whole month but you know your not pregnant?
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I had 2 period last month how will i know if I am pregnant?

i had 2 period last month how will i know if i iam pregnent?

Why are you asking these questions about being pregnant?

i dont know why, i get my period every month on a regular basis i am not pregnant

Can someone have their last period after becoming pregnant?

I'm pretty sure they can, being it is possible (uncommon) but possible to have a regular normal period the whole 9 months you are pregnant. Most people say that you most definitely can not have a period if you are pregnant but that is a myth. I know several people who were pregnant but yet still got there period every month they were pregnant and it was very normal, not just spotting. So i would assume that yes it is possible to have your "last" period and still be pregnant.I'm pretty sure they can, being it is possible (uncommon) but possible to have a regular normal period the whole 9 months you are pregnant. Most people say that you most definitely can not have a period if you are pregnant but that is a myth. I know several people who were pregnant but yet still got there period every month they were pregnant and it was very normal, not just spotting. So i would assume that yes it is possible to have your "last" period and still be pregnant.

What if your period switch up days every month how do you know if you are pregnant?

It's normal for the length of a woman's period to vary from month to month. Anthing between about 26 days to 35 days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period is normal. It is not reasonable to expect your period to come on the same day every month. You know if you are pregnant if your period is a week late and your pregnancy test is positive.

How would you know you are pregnant?

If you miss your period.Usually your period will come each month as it is suppose to do.But if you soon see no sign of your period and know that u have been involved with a male then it is most likely you are pregnant.

Can you still get your period one month into your pregnancy and not know your pregnant?

No you can not. Since the egg has been fertilized it does not leave the body, therefore there is no period.

Do you still have periods if you are pregnant?

No you don't have you period when you are pregnant. How do you know? When it is the time of the month for you to be on your period and your not then unfortuanately their is something wrong. Meaning that you can be pregnant. How do you know your pregnant? When you can't take the smell of anything or you are craving for alot of things. You can also feel like throwing up too.

Can you get pregnant during or after your period?

You have to "do it" before you period so the eggs will be fertilized and and you will become pregnant. But, you don't do it before, you will have you period when the eggs are rotten and the eggs will be gone. And you will have to wait another month. I am only 8 and I know this.

Can you still be pregnant if you get your period after being late for 1 month and you have no cramps?

You might not be pregnant, you know. Sometimes it's regular for your periods to be irregular.

Are there some women that don't know they are pregnant there whole pregnancy?

Yes, it is rare but it can happen. They may still get their period while pregnant or believe birth control is preventing them from getting their period.

How do you know if pregnant?

You will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period.

How do you know if your pregnant if you have your period for 2-3 days?

If you have period you are not pregnant.