Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet can help flush out marijuana from your system more quickly. It's also recommended to avoid using marijuana in the future to prevent it from accumulating in your system.
You cant, you have to wait from 20 to 90 days for the marijuana to leave your system, the drug stays in your system for a long time. If you blood test is soon and you have smoked marijuana recently,........your screwed.I hope this answer has been of much use.
The duration cannabis stays in the body can vary based on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and the type of test conducted. Typically, cannabis can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, in blood for up to 2 weeks, and in saliva for up to 24 hours.
Marijuana can typically be detected in urine for up to 30 days, depending on factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage. However, it can be detected in blood and saliva for a shorter period, usually up to a week.
The presence of secondhand marijuana smoke in your system is dependent on various factors, such as the concentration of THC in the air, duration of exposure, and your body's metabolism. Typically, traces of THC can be detected in blood and urine for up to a few days to a few weeks after exposure.
It can stay your system for up to 30 days after your last smoke.
Yes, as long as you had it in your mouth.
Unless the room is a total smoke screen the marijuana wont even register on a urine or blood test. The only way it sill get into your system is if you have direct contact. (i.e. you smoking the marijuana yourself)
iam a heavy smoker what caniwdo to get claee
Maybe a week or 2 depending on how much you have when you do smoke
Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days.
14 Days
2 days!
If you smoke it occasionally it will remain in your system for up to 10 days.If you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it will stay in your system for as long as 45 days, and if you smoke marijuana at a constant pace, it can stay in the body for 90 days. Marijuana is fat soluble. It stores in the fat cells of the body, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, in other words the major organs.
It takes about 30 days for marijuana to get out of your system. 2 or 3 days minimum but it can linger up to a month.
it should be out in under a week