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about 30 days after you smoke it i just did 8 days ago and hope i dont get tested but if i do its worth it

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Q: How long does marijuana take to flush out of your system?
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How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your system using water?

It depends on your level of body fat, how much water you drink, and how often you urinate.

What can you get or take to flush marijuana and xanax out of your system?

Niacin, an over the counter in vitamin section

How long does it take for one hitter of marijuana to get out of your system?

About a month

How long will it take b100 to clean your system for marijuana?


Whats the best way to clean your system for a drug test?

There is no "best way to clean your system" unless you use some kind of special substance such as a drink or food, but it can be costly. Only time can tell. If your a chronic marijuana user, it can take up to a month to flush out the chemicals in your system, an average marijuana user will take about 1-3 weeks to flush out the chemicals.

What is the quickest way to flush marijuana out of your system?

It all depending on your use and your metabolism, but it can take up to 6 weeks to completely clear out naturally.

How long you have to wait to pass a urine drug test after you took morphine and codeine and smoke marijuana?

1-2 weeks drinks LOTS of water to flush your system or pee alot! Also take dumps

How long does marijuana with pcp in it stay in your system?

It depends on how often you consume marijuana, your weight, and other factors. The marijuana will be the last to leave your system and can take a week to 60 days.

How long does it take to get marijuana out with water?

Water will NOT help clean your system of marijuana. See the Related Question below.

How long does it take marijuana with high THC levels to be out of your system?

It takes about a month for the THC to be out of your system.

How long does it take to get a bowl of marijuana to get out of your system?

It usually take about 2-3 months for a bowl

How long does it take to flush marijuana out of your sytem with water?

Water typically doesn't "flush" your system of THC, what drinking a lot of water does is adds water to your urine, diluting it and making it harder to detect the THC so drink a lot of water before you urinate for a test and pray it will work.